Tattoos by Bleach

Tattoos by Bleach

General info
Since 1997
Minneapolis, MN
Madison, WI
1996 - 1999
Tattoo Artist
1st tattoo shop I ever worked at. Primarily did my apprenticeship under Jeremy Tupta (who I still work with today), with help from Brian Jansen, Pedro Dorsey, Spike-O-Matic, and Steve Gold.
Madison, WI
Jul 2000
Tattoo Artist/ Owner
Opened this shop with Brian Jansen, Jeremy Tupta, and Pete Kugel. you can see my earlier work here at:
Minneapolis, MN
Apr 2005 - Present
Tattoo Artist
Minneapolis, MN
- Present
Photographer, Designer
Methane Design
Graphic design and photography and whatever else I can think of!
Built on Krop